What Is Paleo Diet? Food List and Curiosities!

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What is Paleo Diet?

The name speaks for itself: the diet consists of all natural foods, primarily composed of meat, seafood, fruits, vegetables, and seeds. The Paleo diet, by definition, excludes all grains and legumes.

The paleo diet, by definition, is a natural diet rich in food believed to resemble those consumed during the Paleolithic Era, which is approximately 11 thousand years ago.

What is Paleo?

It’s not a new diet by any means. It’s not a brand name diet either, but it’s more than likely the diet that inspired cavemen to eat wild meats and plants rather than glucose laden grains.

The reason this diet has become so popular recently is because it is very low in carbohydrates, especially refined, processed sugars and high in proteins. Because of this the blood sugar levels stay more towards normal while on the diet.


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What foods are part of the paleo diet?

What Is Paleo Diet

Many of the foods on the Paleo diet are fish and meats.

This includes all kinds of seafood, scallops, clams, tuna, salmon, halibut, trout, and any other species of fresh water fish that could be caught around the globe. Paleo foods do not contain all processed foods that modern humans have become accustomed to over time. Fish is high in protein and the body needs protein in order for muscles to grow, but this can be taken in large quantities if it is prepared correctly.

Paleo foods also contain certain fruits and vegetables that are only eaten in their natural state. For example, fruits like apples, bananas, and even citrus fruits are completely natural.

This means that they will have no additives or pesticides in the fruit or vegetable, which makes them even more healthy. Fruits and vegetables are also a good source of proteins, which is why you should eat as many of them as possible on your Paleo diet.

Paleo diet and omega-3

What Is Paleo Diet

The second thing that you need to look for on Paleo diet menus is foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. The typical Western diet consists of foods that contain low amounts of these fatty acids. Foods such as soft meats, seafood, poultry, cold water fish, nuts and seeds all contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

These types of fats are essential for the health of your heart. Therefore, by including these types of foods on your Paleo diet menu you can greatly reduce your risk for developing cardiovascular disease and heart attack.

Another way that eating Paleo foods can help you is by increasing your energy levels. Modern day diets are often low in fiber and it has been shown that people who eat a high fiber diet are more likely to have a higher energy level.

This may seem like an odd correlation but the reason is that fiber helps your body digest food and produce serotonin, which helps regulate moods. Low serotonin levels have been correlated with higher blood sugar levels.

If you find that you’re feeling sluggish and fatigued a lot of the time, then it’s also worth looking into the link between low serotonin and chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and insomnia.

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Meat ,seafood and more…

Meat and seafood are what is Paleo. Animals that are fed primarily meat or seafood have the highest amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in their tissues. Other foods such as legumes, grains, and nuts are included in Paleolithic nutrition to provide your body with the variety it needs to function optimally.

Because grains are complex carbohydrates, they can affect your blood sugar levels, even though they contain mostly fiber. It is not clear how much, but cutting down on grains can have a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Additionally, nuts, seeds, and legumes should be eaten in their natural state in order to avoid problems with blood sugar.

How to set up the paleo diet correctly

What Is Paleo Diet

A good place to start is learning what you need to eat in order to be healthy on the what is the Paleo diet. First of all, you should understand that the diet promotes eating mostly natural and raw foods. This means that you shouldn’t be eating processed foods or those which haven’t been processed.

The Paleo menu focuses on fresh meats, seafood, fruit and vegetables as well as nuts and legumes. These foods are rich in essential nutrients but have not been commercialized or processed. You will be able to enjoy the different flavours of these food groups and also avoid the chemicals that have been added to many food products these days.

The Paleolithic diet aims at eating large quantities of fish and shellfish as well as lean meat, poultry, vegetables and fruit. This diet does not include processed foods in any way because this would disrupt the natural balance of the body’s system. The processed foods contain a lot of additives and hormones which are not required by the body in such a delicate and vital state. This can lead to a lot of problems including obesity and other such ailments.

The paleo diet benefits also extend to people who do not have time to prepare healthy meals for themselves. Even those who are fond of cooking can enjoy the great convenience that the paleo diet presents. With just the right pre-made foods and a bit of effort, it is possible to get great results without having to spend much effort.

The Paleo diet is based on a dietary pattern that has been in existence for thousands of years. This diet emphasizes intake of lean meats, seafood, fruits, and roots while eliminating or limiting all other carbohydrates, including refined sugar. Proponents of this diet emphasize the choice of natural, unsweetened foods. Some proponents even choose to eliminate foods containing yeast or legumes, which are staples of the Western diet.

A common misconception…

A common misconception about the Paleo diet is that it’s primarily concerned with eliminating carbohydrates from your diet. However, this is far from true. The Paleo Diet is, in fact, primarily concerned with eliminating unrefined carbohydrates (the ones that come from food such as breads and pasta) from the diet.

Unrefined carbohydrates are found in abundance in foods such as pasta, rice, potatoes, and sugar. So, to eat a diet rich in unrefined carbohydrates is not at all un-natural; it is simply a matter of making the right choices in what you eat.

Since the Paleo Diet is about is losing weight, one of the areas it stresses is anaerobic metabolism. Anaerobic metabolism is what processes the food you eat during the day and turns it into energy before it’s even digested.

This is the process that causes people to store fat rather than burn it off. By boosting anaerobic metabolism, the Paleo way of eating ensures that you will burn fat and keep it off.

The key…control your calorie intake!

A good way to start boosting your energy and controlling your weight loss is to control your calorie intake. Most weight loss programs promote low-carb lifestyles. However, this is not healthy for long-term weight loss.

Instead, your body will adapt by storing more fat as your body adjusts to the low-carb diet. It’s better to follow a high-calorie, low-carb lifestyle for short-term weight loss than adopting low-carb diets for the long term.

You also want to watch your carbohydrates, particularly refined sugar and flour products. These foods trigger your body to store excess fat in your tissues and other areas. As you stop eating these harmful carbs, your weight-loss progress will slow down. Instead of eating processed foods loaded with trans fats and high sugar concentrations, you’ll want to eat foods that are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are found in nuts, seeds, and grains.

The next benefit is the reduction of your dependence on processed carbohydrates. Because your body is not using as much of it, your insulin levels will be lower, which means that you won’t have to worry about the sugars in those products entering your bloodstream as glucose. This will reduce your weight loss and allow your muscles to burn fat more efficiently. The final benefit is that by eating organic foods, you will be helping to preserve the world that we live in. You are doing your part to stop the degradation of our environment.

Eating these kinds of foods is definitely not a “quick fix” or a “magical bullet.” However, with a little research and knowledge, it can definitely be your ticket to losing weight and getting healthy. It’s up to you to get healthy!

Summing up!

When we talk about paleo diets, the first thing we think about is eating foods like lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, etc. Yes, you definitely need to include some lean meats in your diet in order to get the protein that you need and to help you burn calories more efficiently.

However, there are many other benefits to a well-rounded paleo diet that people often overlook. In addition to eating foods like meat, you should also add fresh fruits, vegetables, and even healthy snacks like almonds, cashews, walnuts, and sunflower seeds to your diet on a daily basis.

This can not only improve your health, but it will also improve your energy and make you feel better overall.